
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

DPU Fleet Vehicles Change Over to Richmond Gas Works

The decals identifying vehicles in the Customer Service, Gas Distribution, Energy Services, and Tech Services fleets were rebranded as Richmond Gas Works in August 2018.

There are approximately 160 vehicles of 37 different makes and models and a team from each division worked, along with the decal vendor, to complete an average of 60 vehicles each week.

Planning, coordinating and scheduling the vehicles, along with the staff to transfer them was a complex job. Designing the decals for such a varied fleet was complex with so much variation between makes, models and years of vehicles.

“That was a challenge to take all the differences into consideration when designing so we could produce the minimum number of decal style variations that would work,” said Janie Kaplan, marketing manager for Energy Services.

“We wanted a modern look that doesn’t feel stodgy but also wanted to signal the strength and stability that comes from our rich heritage. The vehicles are day-to-day moving billboards out in the community. It’s a clean, modern, agile, accessible look and each decal includes the customer service phone number and website to reinforce our accessibility and ease of use.”

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