
Monday, September 10, 2018

Protecting Your Property in a Storm

It’s important that you take steps to prepare your property, locate any insurance documents, and keep receipts for any temporary repairs made. These tips come to us from the Independent Insurance Agents Association.

Before the hurricane:
  1. Locate your insurance policies – name and number of an insurance agent and get their cell phone numbers.
  2. If you are asked to evacuate, stay calm and move out quickly.
  3. Protect your property by boarding up windows and storing outdoor furniture. Recheck manufactured home tie-downs.
  4. Be sure to have on hand a supply of non-perishable food, water, and medication. Keep a full tank of gas in your car.
  5. Make sure your first aid kit is updated and fully supplied.
  6. Have flashlights (with extra batteries) or candles ready, plus a battery-operated radio for latest storm information. Don’t forget to keep an extra battery for your cell phone.
  7. If your property is damaged, make temporary repairs, save receipts and contact your insurance agent immediately.
  8. In the event that telephone service is disrupted, stay tuned to radio and television for further instructions.
After the hurricane:
  1. If there’s damage, contact your insurance agent as soon as possible.
  2. Make temporary repairs to prevent further damage.
  3. Prepare an inventory of all damaged or destroyed personal property.
  4. Take photos of damaged areas.
  5. Save remnants of damaged or destroyed property for your insurance company adjuster.
  6. Meet with your insurance company adjuster first before signing anything with a public adjuster.
  7. Look out for scams. People that show up to repair your property or move trees with an offer that’s too good to be true likely are trying to take advantage of you.

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